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Business Valuation & Financial Consulting



Valuations, Opinions and Analysis for Transition, Transaction, or Dispute

Business Valuation


Business Enterprise Valuations | Minority & Partial Ownership Interests | Mergers & Acquisitions | Capital Raises | Bankruptcy & Solvency Analyses | Fairness Opinions | Intellectual Property Valuations - Patents, Licenses, Trademarks, Customer Lists | Goodwill & Intangible Assets 

During any business ownership transition or transaction, answering the question of "How much is my business Worth?" is crucial. KVi tailors every engagement to the specific needs of the client to ensure that each business valuation serves its intended purpose. 

Estate & Gift Tax Valuation

Estate and Gift Tax Planning and Reporting | Discount Studies of Minority Ownership Interests |  Promissory Notes | Intellectual Property | Intangible Assets

Transitioning ownership to the next generation can require extensive planning and financial analysis. KVi provides robust valuation and discount studies that adhere to IRS requirements and can withstand potential scrutiny or audit, allowing you to make an informed decision regarding your family's financial future.

Disputes - Expert Witness Testimony

Marital Dissolution - Divorce Valuations, Including Personal Goodwill Analysis | Shareholder or Partnership Disputes | Lost Profits & Lost Business Value | Economic Damages Analysis | Forensic Accounting & Analysis | Royalty and Intellectual Property Damages

KVi has deep experience and expertise in complex disputes and litigation between spouses, owners and businesses. From litigation consulting and support to expert witness testimony, KVi provides objective and defensible analyses and opinions that can lead to a successful and quick resolution.  

Financial Consulting

Advisory and Strategic Consulting |Succession Planning | Mergers & Acquisitions | Capital Raises | Expansion or Divestiture | Independent Financial Analysis for Key Business Decisions

KVi provides the rights solutions for your business analysis needs. Whether it's a preliminary financial review or a comprehensive in-depth analysis, KVi is your trusted advisor throughout the process. 



Big Firm Quality - Small Firm Price

“How much is my business worth?” It is a question that every business owner asks at least once during the life cycle of an enterprise. Oftentimes, this question is asked during a period of transition, such as a sale of business, a transfer of ownership to the next generation, or a dispute involving the firm. Kaskov Valuations, Inc. (KVi) was founded with the purpose of helping business owners understand ‘How Much Their Business is Worth’ and bring clarity to vital business decisions. KVi’s singular focus is to be your trusted resource and advisor during any ownership transition, business transaction, or dispute from the initial start-up of a company to eventual exit or sale.

KVi’s mission is to provide the right business valuation and financial consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. Each engagement begins by understanding the client's specific situation and providing a customized valuation product and service that is most appropriate. Whether it is a full appraisal opinion and report, a limited appraisal estimate, or a consulting analysis, KVi will customize the scope of work to fit the exact intended purpose. KVi’s collective experience (50+ years) across a myriad of industries and expertise in dealing with the most complicated and complex business valuations and financial situations has built a foundation for preparing comprehensive analyses and defensible opinions for any valuation situation.


Henry Kaskov has spent his entire career in business valuation and financial consulting. His journey began as a consultant in the disputes and investigations division of a large consulting firm, where he traveled internationally to assist multinational corporations and financial institutions with complex financial and regulatory matters. His path next led him to a boutique business valuation firm, where he spent over ten years performing business valuations and providing litigation support services, serving as a Managing Director for several years. In mid-2020, Henry founded KVi,  beginning the next chapter in his journey.

Henry grew up in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago and attended the University of Illinois, where he earned a degree in finance and a concentration in economics. He also met his wife, Jessica, and after graduation they moved to California. After several years of enjoying everything there is to love about the west coast, they moved back to sweet home Chicago to start a family.


They have their hands full with two young boys, Riley and Parker, whose insatiable curiosity and energy is something to admire. When not spending time with the family or working, Henry enjoys mountain biking, camping, hiking, golf and a good craft beer or bourbon cocktail.

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Contact KVi


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Phone:     847-637-0511

Address:  902 S. Randall Rd. Ste C147

                     St. Charles, IL 60174

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